But understand this, because your future might very well depend on it: If you want to survive in this economy, you'd be well-advised to learn how to speak computer code. 不过,你们还是要理解这一点(因为你们的未来或许很大程度上就取决于此)&如果你们想在这个经济中生存下去,学会如何运用计算机代码是明智之举。
When you write computer code that interacts with relational databases such as DB2, you have to consider two key items. 当您编写与关系数据库(例如DB2)交互的计算机代码时,必须考虑两个关键要素。
Notice that the examples above refer to computer code that does not run under control of the z/ OS operating system. 注意,上面那些例子指的是不在z/OS操作系统控制下运行的计算机代码。
Instead, we are talking about computer code that runs under the control of Windows, Linux, and so on. 实际上,我们说的是在Windows、Linux等系统控制下运行的计算机代码。
That is because the cost of running the bitcoin network is borne by the anonymous owners of servers that connect computer code in exchange for receiving new bitcoins as the system expands ( this is known as mining). 这是因为比特币体系扩大过程中的运行成本,由那些连接计算机代码、以获得新比特币(这个过程就是所谓的挖矿)的服务器的匿名所有者承担了。
Establish and maintain data processing and computer code files. 建立和维护数据处理和计算机编码文件。
For others, it could be anything-maybe it's leading a team, or perhaps it's writing beautiful computer code. 对于其他人来说可以是任何事情,或许带一个团队,或许可以写完美的计算机语句。
Linking all the production steps used in modern manufacturing requires the use of some of the world's most powerful computers, backed up by millions of lines of computer code. 将现代制造业中使用的所有工序连接起来,必须使用一些世界上最强大的电脑,得到数百万条电脑编码的支持。
You might comment the computer code out or even remove it and restructure the game play code. 你可能想为电脑控制的代码写注释,或者移除它,接着重构游戏代码。
As with natural language, it is possible to write "sentences" in computer code that, although different in composition, convey the same meaning. 因为用自然语言,它可以编写计算机代码里的“句子”,虽然组分不同,但转达了相同的含义。
This isn't a position for a computer code designer? 职位难道不是计算机密码设计师吗?
He said that he would publish the3D designs and computer code for the machine to replicate itself on the web over the next four years as they are developed, until the entire machine could be copied. 他承诺,在接下来的四年里,随着研究的深入,他会在网上公布高速浇模机“自浇自”的三维设计和计算机代码,直到整个机器能被完整地浇铸出来为止。
Neutron or gamma transport computer code 中子或射线输运计算机代码
Application of BANK Compile Mode in Extending Single Chip Computer Code Space BANK编译模式在扩大单片机程序存储空间中的应用
After all, almost all entrepreneurs embody the amateur spirit, starting as a tinkerer in a garage, running a market stall or writing computer code in a bedroom somewhere. 毕竟,几乎所有的企业家身上都体现着业余精神,他们从在车库里捣鼓小发明、在市场摆摊或窝在卧室写计算机代码起家。
So from using 33 different types of computer code to run its homepages, they will soon all be based on the same software. 比方说,过去其不同地区的主页需要使用33种不同的计算机代码来运行,而现在则很快就可以全部基于同一种软件了。
This requires the candidates not just to hack through line after line of computer code, but also to drink shot after shot of whiskey at various points along the way. 譬如其中一幕说的就是扎克伯格决定在招募新的编程师时设立一个比赛,要求应聘者不仅会限免一列列的电脑编码,还得在赛程中各个指定的时刻让一杯杯威士忌下肚。
Group diffusion perturbation reactor computer code 群扩散微扰反应堆计算机代码
Rub-out: Computer code signifying "null" and used to delete. 擦去:表示无效的电脑代码,用来作取消用。
An errant "/" in a computer code had triggered a chain of events that resulted in the message "this site may harm your computer" popping up alongside every search result. 计算机代码中一个错误的“/”符号引发了一连串事件,导致每一项搜索结果中都会弹出这样的信息“该站点可能损害您的计算机”。
Based on point-by-point integration method and one dimension theory, designed the guide vane which has uniform velocity moment distribution with a hydraulic design computer code of the guide vane. 在逐点积分法一元理论叶片绘形的基础上,利用导叶水力设计程序设计了等环量叶片。
Absorption monte carlo reactor computer code 吸收蒙特卡罗反应堆计算机代码
Based on the two-dimension theory, a computer code is made in FORTRAN language to design the high specific speed mixed-flow pump. 基于二元理论,用FORTRAN语言编程实现了高比转速混流泵叶轮的水力设计。
He started writing computer code in high school; one program predicted the flight paths of model rockets. 他从高中就开始编程,其中有一个程序是预测实验火箭的飞行路线。
Gamma and flux reactor physics computer code 反应堆物理和中子通量计算机代码
Fast and thermal reactor burnup computer code 快和热反应堆燃耗计算机代码
But until about six years ago, no one had written computer code sufficiently complex to simulate core motion and its magnetic effects. 直到约六年前,才有学者写出一套复杂到足以模拟地核运动和地磁作用的程式。
The paper also discusses the calculation method of Shift Impulse and programs some of the computer code. 本文还对换档冲量的计算方法进行了探讨,并编写了部分计算程序。